Elder Jake Milligan

Elder Jake Milligan

Friday, December 29, 2017

Des Moines Crazies

This week was pretty busy and hectic, we had a ton of meetings and did a ton of finding so we can start rebuilding the teaching pool after our recent baptisms. With a lot of finding of course comes a ton of stories of the interesting people we come into contact with here in Des Moines. I don't know what it is but there are so many just straight up crazy people here, it's really entertaining. We knocked this one apartment complex where every single person was literally just off the rocker. It's funny the first few times but after a while it gets kind of worrisome lol. 

So this week after P-day we did a ton of knocking, we found 2 really cool investigators and they are looking pretty solid. We've gone back the same complex throughout the week and have found 9 new investigators over there so it's a pretty fruitful place. Anyways, after P-day we also had to set up for Zone Conference the next day. So Elder Obray and I set up all the chairs and the tables and everything which took a while. So the next day during Zone Conference we break after 3 hours for lunch and we go to the gym and turns out, all the ladies in the DM stake that were supposed to prepare the lunch for 70 missionaries didn't show up. So Sister Badger was kind of freaking out and we had a quick talk with her and she told us to order like 25 pizzas and to go get them. So we have one of the STL's call Dominos to get the pizzas ordered. So we drive like 10 minutes to the pick up the pizzas and figure out that the Sister Ordered from the wrong pizza place...women. So we had to drive some more to find the right place and pick up the pizza to feed a bunch of hungry missionaries. 

A highlight of this week has been teaching our investigator Steve. He's the wife of a Less Active lady that me and Elder Glenn knocked into on exchanges, he has already read to Mosiah 13 in the Book of Mormon and it's only been a few weeks since we met him. He's on fire, he came to Stake Conference this week and is on Date for December 23rd. Pretty awesome guy, it's goona be awesome to see him get baptized my last weekend in the mission! It's pretty we're starting to find new people and set dates with them after I get home, which is weird to think about. 

Other than that we've just been knocking a ton of doors and trying to help our zone find people to teach as well, we have 6 missionaries that have been out less than 4 months so we have been doing a ton of exchanges and stuff trying to help them out.

It's kind of becoming real that my mission is coming to the end, on Saturday we dropped an Elder off at the airport with President and Sister Badger, in the Airport Sister Badger looked at me and made a comment about how I'm almost done with my mission. It's a crazy thought, a mission goes by so fast and I've always had the mindset that I'll be on one forever. Now I'm going on the departing temple trip next week and all of that stuff. This week has definitely made me want to make the most out of these last 6 weeks of my mission. 

Love ya'll I hope you guys had a good thanksgiving! 


Photos: Pretty much all from zone conference 

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